Welcome To
'The Caregiver' Film
Donation Page
'The Caregiver' is currently in Post-Production. The film is in the final stages of completion, and we will begin posting regular updates as we begin submitting to film festivals and other venues for screenings. This film is based on a true story about a family's struggle to care for a loved one with dementia.
All donations that we receive will be applied to the cost of producing the film. The Producers are very appreciative of your contributions to this project.
Please refer to the Sponsorship Levels below in making your donation. We currently have two methods of accepting donations:
Click on the yellow 'Donate' button below to link to PayPal.
Use Zelle and send donation to the email address: info@thecaregiverfilm.com.
$5.00 - $19.99
This Sponsorship Level provides the inclusion of your name in the Film Credits under a "Special Thanks" Category..
$20.00 - $49.99
This Sponsorship Level provides the inclusion of your name in the Film Credits under a "Special Thanks" Category.
Additionally, this Sponsorship Level provides one T-Shirt with the logo of the film.
$50.00 - $99.99
This Sponsorship Level provides the inclusion of your name in the Film Credits under a "Special Thanks" Category.
This Sponsorship Level provides one T-Shirt with the logo of the film.
Additionally, this Sponsorship Level provides one Free Pass to a local Film Festival screening.
$100 +
This Sponsorship Level provides the inclusion of your name in the Film Credits under a "Special Thanks" Category.
This Sponsorship Level provides one T-Shirt with the logo of the film.
This Sponsorship Level provides one Free Pass to a local Film Festival screening.
Additionally, this Sponsorship Level provides an invitation for two guests at a Private Screening with the Cast.

Thank you for your consideration of this film project. Please visit this site often for further updates.